вторник, 25 ноября 2014 г.

Formal letter.


1 комментарий:

  1. Link 25.11.2014

    Dear editor,

    I would like to offer an opinion on the article "Tongue-eating parasite was found in supermarket fish", which was published in the 25th of November 2014.

    Quite frankly, I was shocked by this article. In my opinion it is unnormal situation, because people pay for the goods of high quality and instead of that they get "fish with parasites". I think nobody would like to face a problem like that.

    In addition I was disappointed by the compensation the man had got. I think that a bottle of wine and £20 voucher hardly could to put right the state. If I were this man I would like to turn to a court for the compensation. However, that is his cause and I do not condemn him.

    What do You think about the case? I can be contacted at the above address or by telephone +37254018070, look forward to your reply.
    Yours faithfully,
