понедельник, 1 апреля 2013 г.

Writing a story

Describe a present you would give to a jumping chicken who wears a blue space suit.

In the last century I visited my aunt Brendy on the star Nihail,in the 624 th Nebula. And now Iˇm planning to visit her again because her favourite pet will be 161 years old. This petˇs name is Monica and itˇs a space chicken. But it is unusual space chicken,it always wears a blue space suit and itˇs about 4 meters in height and about 3 meters in widht and it has a very unusual habit-it always jumps,all the time! Itˇs the oldest chicken in the galaxy. So itˇs a very famous pet, which has taken part in many exhibitions. My aunt is very proud of it.
I think that itˇs birthday party will be on Earth, despite itˇs a very expensive pleasure.Also there will be the most famous people in the galaxy with diffirent exotic presents.I havenˇt decided yet, what iˇll present her. But I think Iˇll ask my good friend, who lives in other galaxy about a favour. In their galaxy are grown a very rare type of grains, which explode while youˇre eating their.I think itˇll be a good present.

13 комментариев:

  1. Your topic is very difficult but story is very nice.You have a big fantasy.

  2. Этот комментарий был удален автором.

  3. The title of topic is unusual. Therefore I liked this story, it is interesting.

  4. You have quite unusual topic, but you managed with your task and it was very interesting and easy to read your creative text.

  5. I enjoyed reading your story.It made me smile, thank you for that!

  6. Haha, creative work! By the way I like all what is connected with space and universe. Cool story, Bro!

  7. You have crazy fantasy. Story is funny and made me laught.

  8. Very creative and interesting topic,good job Edgar.

  9. When I saw topic I thought: " What can Edgar write on it?" After reading, my mood became better! Thank u!

  10. This is a really exciting story. But I think you could more describe the present.

  11. You wrote very funny fantasy. I think you must continue writting that fantasy. So i am waiting part 2.

  12. Этот комментарий был удален автором.

  13. Your story is very funny and really interesting! I think you have enormous fantasy and great sense of humour.
