вторник, 22 мая 2012 г.

I think that picture was taken near Colissium.In the foreground i can see six people.Think that three of them are family-father,mother and daughter-they are tourist and other three men,they are wearing armors and equipment which soldiers of Rome wore.Perhphaps that this family visit Intaly in first time and they are trying to do more photos for memory.I think that family are very happy,because thery have posobility for travelling  and they can send time together,but little girrl is frightened.I think that is summer,because they`re wearing light clothes and wether is sunny and windness.In the background i can see Colissium and man who is holding i think some kind of carpet.

пятница, 18 мая 2012 г.

Picture discribing

The picture was taken in the classroom.In the picture I can students of primary school and two teachers.Majority of pupils are girls.I think that one of teachers is assistant who is drawing on the blackboard and second teacher is watching how she is working.  I think that students are very interested in lesson,because they`re listening their teachers very attentionally and theyˇre working with enthusiasm.Theyˇre having handy-craft lesson.Probably  itˇs an additional lesson,because in outside is dark.

понедельник, 26 марта 2012 г.

Daedalus and Icarus

Daedalus was trying to escape punishment after killing his nephew Talos. He escaped from the king of Athens and travelled to Crete where King Minos welcomed him. He built wonderful buildings for King Minos and created a labyrinth below the city. King Minos was pleased with the labyrinth but he did not want anyone to know the way in or out. He decided that he would imprison Daedalus and Icarus to protect his secret.
They soon got fed up and decided to try and escape again. Daedalus made frames and fastened feathers to them. They learned to fly and prepared to escape. Daedalus told Icarus not to go high, to keep right away from the sun.
They climbed up onto the windowsill, leapt into the air, started to fly and soared away into the clouds. They went up and down, twisted and turned. Icarus got so excited that he left his father. he went higher and higher. His father shouted for him to come down. 
 The sun saw Icarus getting close. He turned his rays onto Icarus. Icarus tried to get back down, but too late. The sun melted the wax that held the feathers in place and Icarus' wings fell apart. He fell to the ground and died.